Scrum Con 24 - Friday - Hive of the Overmind

The Adventure

Hive of the Overmind - the bodacious dudes and dudettes of the East Village escaped a mutant ant hive that had been taken over by a bogus Foot Clan AI named “the Overmind”. The players pieced together than some well placed improvised explosives and that wall of blinking lights was a righteous combination! Total bummer though, the digging vehicle malfunctioned and now they are on the other side of the planet.


  • Tessa G
  • Thomas M
  • Matt K
  • David S
  • Bill H

Session Notes

  • Player mortality: about 33%
  • The mutations we made along the way: One character tempted fate with the mutation chamber and learned to speak with ants, and another acquired a mutation deformity causing narcolepsy.
  • Memorable ninja moves: a peach tree plantient named Princess hid inside the holographic globe to launch a surprise attack: “because we are both round”
  • Forking Outcomes: the players went directly to the Overmind’s room skipping the androids
  • How it ended: The Overmind was defeated, but the explosives used to destroy the AI’s computers also damaged the navigation systems of the escape craft causing it to malfunction, the players emerged in far of Australia.

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