Scrum Con 24 - Saturday - Hive of the Overmind

The Adventure

Hive of the Overmind - the bodacious dudes and dudettes of the East Village escaped a mutant ant hive that had been taken over by a bogus Foot Clan AI named “the Overmind”. The players determined that the evil pizza boxes in racks were the source of Overmind’s power and took care of that with some righteous improvised explosives. A Synthezoid zealot helped them out some, hope he’s not too dangerous to the world cause he totally left with the digging vehicle.


  • Scott M
  • Kevin O
  • Larry L
  • Timothy O
  • Francesca R
  • Jacob R

Session Notes

  • Player mortality: about 40%
  • Explosives: The players destroyed the generator with an explosive, plunging the lower level into darkness
  • The mutations we made along the way: The players went wild mutating themselves with a canister of mutagenic compound. We got a lightning squirrel, a sonic screamer, and a 12-foot-tall giant in the process.
  • Memorable ninja moves: coordinated ninja strikes on mainframe hardware, a 12-foot tall giant jumping through a flurry of android fisticuffs without being hurt
  • How it ended: By allying with the Synthazoid foot clan soldier, the Overmind was defeated. The Synthazoid held to his word and dropped the players off around the corner from their East Village home

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