2025-03-12 Session 10
DM: Dave
- Dane - Elias, Level 2 Elf Thief
- Julie - Mirweena, Level 2 Human Priest
- Donald - Boffo Hornblower, Level 4 Halfling Priest
- Micah - Joziah, Level 3 Fighter
Enough is enough. The party raided the masion of Lord Bartolomeu III and contronted the corrupt noble as he attempte to transform himself into a demon. We faced corrupt guards, doorways to hell, and a well of infinite spine demons. Lord Bartolomeu was brought low and his great fortune was spent for a moderate night of carousing which toppled the corrupt mercanile assoicates of the the Lord in Darkwater, fully repaired a temple, and serve as the starting capital for a true first thieves guid.
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