Shadowdark New Players

Useful links and resources for joining our Open Table game of Shadowdark.

It’s okay to just show up!

This is a game where rules can be taught at the table. We have pre-made characters ready to go for your first game.

Learning the rules & making your first character

Also, though totally not necessary, you are free to familiarize yourself with the rules with this FREE (emphasis on FREE) Quickstart Players Guide!

Also also (and I promise this is the last also), if you are interested in rolling up your own character using the quickstart guide and, you know, dice, go for it. I trust you. Use this character sheet from the Arcane Library

Or just come a little early (GMs will be there 15 minutes or so early) and we can roll through the character creation process. It’s super quick.

Online tools

Guide for players used to 5e

Shadowdark has many similarities to D&D 5e. Here are some things to remember that work differently:

  • Ability scores get added to to-hit rolls, but not to damage
  • Constitution bonuses are only added to hit points at level 1
  • There are no attacks of opportunity
  • There are no skills. Describe what your character is trying to do, and the GM may ask you to make an ability check.
  • There are no spell slots. Spell casters roll to use their spells. (DC = 10 + spell tier) Spell casters can continue to use a known spell until they fail a spell check.
  • Luck Tokens allow you to reroll any roll you just made. You can give your luck token to a companion. You can only have one luck token at a time.
  • You can carry a limited number of ‘slots’ of equipment and treasure with you. A torch takes a full slot.
  • Torches once lit last 60 minutes (plus or minus some random time depending on the GM)
  • No players can see in the dark. The world gets more dangerous when the lights go out
  • When not fighting, we still move in initiative order. The party can regroup to a marching order and move as a group if desired.

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